Saturday, July 27, 2013

Adventure: Rest Stop

Shabbat Shalom!

Sabbath is a rest stop.

Sabbath is a reminder.

God made us.
God made everything.
We are dependent on God for our existence.
And God rested.

We take one day of rest to remind ourselves
We are not self-sufficient
We are not totally dependent on our works
For those of us out of work
We rest in order to remember to be consumed by something other than the search for a job,
just for one day.
For those of us who have work
or retirement income sufficient to sustain life abundantly
We rest to remember it is God who made us
God who sustains us
God on whom we can lean
And God who depends on us to sustain those who have less
who are vulnerable
who are in need of any necessity.
We rest to take one day to intentionally rest on, lean on, God alone
as others lean on us.

We graze on the land for our food
or in this day and age, we graze from our refrigerators

We rest our bodies, our minds, our hearts
if we can
as much as we can
And over time
we may just truly believe
God is
God loves
God cares
God sustains
God is with us in everything
and maybe over time we will begin to believe that, too, and maybe it will, over time, be enough.

Shabbat Shalom! Sabbath Peace be with you.

Photo credits for all photos in this series: The Reverend Lois Keen


  1. We are not brought up to be 'enough' kind of people. This is a good reminder. It also reinforces 'any is some' and 'showing up' is sometimes all we can do. Enough.

  2. Oh that's good, Barbara. Well done!
