Thursday, June 21, 2012

Open Space

A friend sent me the first 34 pages of what could become a novel. It takes place in the future, but not the distant future - 2037. Without giving away the story, the island nation about which he is writing has found that everyone has the need for a place to be quiet, to meditate on or to or about whatever. So one of the places they have built is a Peace Hall. Inside it is open space. Sometimes there are directed things, but mostly people just come and are still.

As I read this part of the story I think again of the church building in which I serve. I saw, once again, the pews removed, or at least most of them. I see again the beauty of that open space. In the Peace Hall in my friend's imaginary island nation, there are whole tree trunks where, in my church, are square, wood paneled pillars. I think of the space in my church, open in my imagination, and I feel stillness, peace, quiet.

I believe what the people of that imaginary island found to be true, that everyone has a need to feed their spirit in places like the Peace Hall, which is a place for all people of whatever religion or none. I want to open up the space. I want to open up the doors and leave them open to the world and the elements all day, all night, all year.

Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have these visions.


  1. ...ah, but it is these visions and dreams that keep us sane in this crazy world. And dreams DO come true. I happen to share this dream of open sapce in the church where people will feel safe, can rest, and just 'be.'
